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Eldernet Showcase


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Eldernet is New Zealand’s most trusted provider of information for older people and their whānau. We provide timely, relevant, and comprehensive information to help older kiwis make decisions that are right for them.

The Eldernet site includes a nationwide database directory and extensive information about community groups and organisations, home help services, rest homes (including up-to-date vacancies), retirement villages, residential care, private hospitals, dementia care, public hospitals and other third age services for seniors.

If you want:

an overview of services and options that are available to you

extensive information (more than an overview)

links to a range of relevant organisations and services

to find out how to access services including needs assessment and service coordination (NASC)

information that will help you support an 'elderly' person

many of your difficult questions answered

you’ll find it on Eldernet!

To get your free copy of our region-specific handbook Where from here, visit www.carepublications.co.nz

You can view New Zealand’s largest selection of retirement village properties in your price range at www.retiremetvillages.co.nz

‘Making Life Easier’ is all about supporting older people to live the lives they want! Discover a huge range of care and support options, community and advocacy groups, and service providers throughout the country at www.eldernet.co.nz/making-life-easier

Please note this is a TEST PAGE ONLY.

The information we have entered in the various fields gives you an idea of the types of things people using Eldernet may be looking for in a service e.g., does the facility provide day care, respite care or short-term care.

This introductory section is about encouraging people to read more about the service/s you provide, so add plenty of detail about what sets you apart from your competitors to pique their interest. An eye-catching photo always helps draw attention to your listing too.
Service/Facility Details
Service/Facility Details
Detail Status
Contract with Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora No
Certification Yes
ORA Applies No

Updated: 9 Feb 2024

DHB Respite Care Booking Service
DHB Respite Care Booking Service
We provide DHB Respite Care Booking Service.
Bed and Vacancy Details
Bed and Vacancy Details
Detail Status
Approximate number of beds at this level of care 11
Vacancy No
Impending vacancy No
Short stay considered Yes
Premium Accommodation Charges Yes as at 29 Jan 2025
Extra admission requirements due to COVID-19 Please enquire

Updated: 14 Feb 2025

Care Suite Bed and Vacancy Details
Care Suite Bed and Vacancy Details
Detail Status
Approximate number of beds at this level of care 30
Care Suite Vacancy Yes
Space to promote level of Care Suites
Care Suite Impending vacancy Yes - Short stay considered
Care Suite Short stay considered Yes

Updated: 14 Feb 2025

This is a great space to share what some feedback that you have had about the product/service that you provide.
Written testimonials are always a great option

Updated: 12 Oct 2021

Type Hours Per Week Status Details
Registered Nurse Yes What kind of Registered Nurse (RN) cover is provided? 24 hours a day on-site, on-call, 9-5 Monday to Friday?
Nurse Practitioner Negotiable A Nurse Practitioner is a highly qualified nurse. They may be available in a consultancy capacity.
Enrolled Nurse Yes Enrolled nurses practise under the direction and delegation of a registered nurse or nurse practitioner. How often are these nurses on site or on call?
Healthcare Assistants/Caregivers Yes All carers are healthcare assistants.
Physiotherapist No Is this person part of the on-site team, contracted or on call as required? If the PT is on site what benefit does physiotherapy bring to the residents?
Occupational Therapist No What benefit does this provide for the residents? How often do people use this service? Does the OT oversee a team consisting of Diversional Therapists, activity co-ordinators, volunteers etc?
Social Worker (on site) No How does this service benefit residents? What happens if a resident needs a social worker? How accessible are they?
Diversional Therapist Yes What services does the Diversional Therapist provide? Are they full time, part time? What emphasis does their programme have?
Activities Co-ordinator No What activities are enjoyed? What feedback do the residents give?
Hairdresser No Where? How often? What services can be provided? At what cost? Are there alternatives? Can people go out to their own hairdresser? If so who takes them?
Podiatrist No What is the frequency of visits? How is this charged?
Dietitian No How often is a Dietitian consulted? What input do they have into the menus? Is there a Chef?
Accredited Visitors No Is this befriending service available at this facility? Usually offered by Age Concern.
Kaumatua Yes How is this service accessed? What are the Iwi/other affiliations?
Chaplain/Spiritual Advisor No How regularly is this service provided? For all religions? Are pastoral services offered to residents and staff?
Other Personnel No Are there other staff or volunteers who deserve a mention and who are well known to residents and their families eg cooks, gardeners, handymen/women, and administrators?

Updated: 13 Oct 2021

Specialities or Areas of Expertise
Specialities or Areas of Expertise
Specialities or Areas of Expertise Status Details
Oxygen Management No test
Gastronomy/Nasogastric Management No test
Bariatric (Care of the very overweight) Yes
IV Antibiotic Capability Yes
Dialysis Yes
Wound Care Yes
Diabetic Care Yes
Continence Advice Yes
Stomal Therapy Yes
Stroke Rehabilitation Yes
ACC Rehabilitation Yes
Infection Control No test

Updated: 13 Oct 2021

Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay
Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay
Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay Status Details
Respite Yes
Carer Support Yes
Subsidised Yes
Private Paying Yes
Booking can be made in advance No We are now offering this service

Updated: 13 Oct 2021

Feature Status Details
May Bring Own Furniture No In most instances you will be able to have a special painting, photographs a favourite armchair or smaller pieces of furniture. What is really important to you? Can the home accommodate your wishes?
Single Rooms No What are the rooms like? Spacious? Homely? Individually decorated? Does it have a view? Under what circumstances would you have to move from your room eg if you get ill or is it your room for as long as you wish?
Shared Rooms No Can you share a room? With a friend or partner? Some people really enjoy company.
Rooms suitable for a couple No Can you remain with your husband/wife in the same room? What about sleeping arrangements - double or single beds?
Ensuite No Do you want an ensuite? Private or shared? Ensuites are not such an important aspect to consider if you need assistance with personal care/toileting etc.
Alcohol Permitted No Does your health allow you to have a drink? How often can you have a drink? Where will this be stored? How much personal independence do you have in this regard?
Pets In Residence No Cats, dogs, birds, fish even a tortoise - what animals live here? If you don’t like pets will they intrude into your space?
Negotiate To Bring Own Pet No How willing is the service to consider your wish to bring your treasured companion with you? Have you considered who will look after your pet at the home if you cant?
Phone Access In Own Room No How does this work? Do you have a shared portable phone or your own line? Who pays for this? What happens if you have a computer and want to be online a lot. Who pays for this?
Resident can adjust heating in own room No Heating varies in facilities. How is the heating controlled? What control do you have over the heating in your room? Can you have it really hot or quite cool if you want to?
Cater for under 65 yrs with Disability No Can the facility provide care for those under 65? What are the requirements for this to happen?
Lounges/seating areas No Do you have a choice of where you sit and with whom you are seated? Are there places to suit different occasions and moods?
Gay / LGBT IQ Friendly Yes Some care homes have undergone training that certifies the home is LGBTI friendly. The Silver Rainbow demonstrates this.
Primary Health Funded Short Term Care No These services are available in some parts of the country and are funded from a short term contract out of the primary health care budget. They are NOT funded directly by the DHB under the residential care contract.
Palliative Care Contract No Does the facility hold a contract to provide Palliative Care?
Day Programme for day stay clients Yes Is there a set programme or do day care clients fit in with regular activities at the home? Is this a contracted service? Are there provisions for privately paying clients? What is the cost? What do the fees include? Can Carer Support funding be used?
Outings No How often do these occur? Who decides where you go? When you arrive at a destination can those who are able, disembark? What are favourite outings? Are there any additional costs? How are decisions made about who goes on the outings?
Whānau Room No How is this room set up? Is it for day use only? How long can you use this room? Will you have to share? What facilities are there for you to use? In some instances you may have access to bathroom and kitchen facilities.
Māori Kaupapa No Does the facility openly embrace Maori practices and philosophies, and incorporate them into their care? How do they do this?
Residents Committee No How often is this held? Who chairs the meeting? What happens if issues are raised that need action? The presence of the Manager or senior staff may inhibit free and open discussion.
Family Committee No In some families meet together with other families with the purpose of providing support to one another.
Newsletter No How often is the newsletter produced? Who receives this - residents/staff/families? Who decides what goes in it?
Policy for management of challenging behaviour No How do staff investigate the cause of challenging behaviours? Who makes the assessment? When is a referral made for specialist assessment? What strategies are used and how are they monitored?
Confused Residents No Are the causes investigated eg infections etc? How do staff manage situations if residents begin to wander? At what point is reassessment sought for those who are confused?
Smokers Room No If you are a smoker how important is it that you have access to a smoking room?

Updated: 12 Oct 2021

Special Features
Special Features
What makes this home special? Whether it’s the philosophy underlying the care, special programmes that operate, physical location, size of home; there are a multitude of things that make every home different. Take your time, think carefully about your needs and choose a home that gives you what you want. .

Updated: 12 Oct 2021

Interests & Activities
Interests & Activities
Big print books, Billiards, Videos

Updated: 12 Oct 2021

Additional Information
Additional Information
Topic Details
What's included in your fees and what's not Please refer to management for details.
Staffing qualifications and details We have a lot of long servicing staff. Compassionate and caring. We have regular staff training.
Details about meals All meals are cooked on site. Menus change on regular basis with dietitian's input. Main meal lunch Fruit bowls at all times and other snacks available on request. Morning and afternoon tea supper are also served
Visitor information Are there any process that visitors need to follow upon arrival. Are all visitors welcome? Are children welcome? do you have a playground onsite or any additional features that would make visiting your facility appealing to family members?
Recreational opportunities Is there a gym onsite? Is there a swimming pool? What type of recreational opportunities are available
Internet access Do you have wifi available to residents or visitors?
Transport Do you have a vehicle for outings or transport to appointments if required for a resident? If so is there a charge for this?
Associated Complexes Do you have any associations with a nearby care facility or village?

Updated: 12 Oct 2021

Languages Spoken
Languages Spoken
Language Status Details
Chinese Yes
Chinese dialect Yes
Dutch Yes
English Yes
French No test
Māori - Te Reo Yes
Rarotongan Yes

Updated: 12 Oct 2021

Religious/Spiritual Affiliations
Religious/Spiritual Affiliations
Religious/Spiritual Affiliations Status Details
Inter denominational Yes Weekly church services.

Updated: 12 Oct 2021

Location Distance Details
Public Transport How far away is the nearest bus stop?
Shops How far away is the local shopping centre, medical centre, pharmacy etc?
Mall Only ? kms away from ? mall
Parks Are there local parks nearby that are nice for a walk or recreational activities? Maybe a nice place to sit with visitors?
Library How far away is the local library or does the mobile library visit your home?

Updated: 12 Oct 2021

The Ministry of Health conducts regular audits of Residential Care Facilities. They can be found HERE.