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Eldernet Showcase

Eldernet is New Zealand’s most trusted provider of information for older people and their whānau. We provide timely, relevant, and comprehensive information to help older kiwis make decisions that are right for them.

The Eldernet site includes a nationwide database directory and extensive information about community groups and organisations, home help services, rest homes (including up-to-date vacancies), retirement villages, residential care, private hospitals, dementia care, public hospitals and other third age services for seniors.

If you want:

an overview of services and options that are available to you

extensive information (more than an overview)

links to a range of relevant organisations and services

to find out how to access services including needs assessment and service coordination (NASC)

information that will help you support an 'elderly' person

many of your difficult questions answered

you’ll find it on Eldernet!

To get your free copy of our region-specific handbook Where from here, visit www.carepublications.co.nz

You can view New Zealand’s largest selection of retirement village properties in your price range at www.retiremetvillages.co.nz

‘Making Life Easier’ is all about supporting older people to live the lives they want! Discover a huge range of care and support options, community and advocacy groups, and service providers throughout the country at www.eldernet.co.nz/making-life-easier

Please note this is a TEST PAGE ONLY.

The information we have entered in the various fields gives you an idea of the types of things people using Eldernet may be looking for in a service e.g., does the facility provide day care, respite care or short-term care.

This introductory section is about encouraging people to read more about the service/s you provide, so add plenty of detail about what sets you apart from your competitors to pique their interest. An eye-catching photo always helps draw attention to your listing too.
Provide any testimonials that clients or family members may have given you or perhaps some feedback.

Updated: 13 Oct 2021

Service Description
Service Description
What services do you offer?

Updated: 13 Oct 2021

Meeting the needs of older people
Meeting the needs of older people
What makes your service better for older people?
What factors do you think let older people know that your service welcomes them?
How does your service go about providing assistance for someone with a disability?
What training do you give staff about working appropriately with older people and ageism awareness?

Updated: 15 Oct 2021

Personal Assistance
Personal Assistance
Type Self Funded Subsidised After Hours
Registered Nurse (eg Wound Care, Medication) Yes Yes Yes What services are offered? When is this service available?
Hairdresser (Home Visits) Negotiable Negotiable Negotiable What services are offered? When is this service available?
Natural Health Therapies No No No What services are offered? When is this service available?
Hospice No No No What services are offered? When is this service available?
Attendant Care (ACC) No No No What services are offered? When is this service available?
Carer Support No No No What services are offered? When is this service available?
Sitter Service/Companions No No No What services are offered? When is this service available?
Live In Care (24 Hr) No No No What services are offered?
Other Therapists No No No What services are offered? When is this service available?
Personal Care (Showering, Dressing) No No No What services are offered? When is this service available?
Nail Cutting (Home Visits) No No No What services are offered? When is this service available?

Updated: 13 Oct 2021

Specialities or Areas of Expertise
Specialities or Areas of Expertise
Specialties or Areas of Expertise Status Details
Oxygen Management No Test
Gastronomy/Nasogastric Management No Test
Palliative Care Contract No Test
End of Life/Palliative Care No Test
Dialysis No Test
Wound Care No Test
Diabetic Care No Test
Continence Advice No Test
Stomal Therapy No Test
Stroke Rehabilitation No Test
Tracheotomy Care No Test
Infection Control. No Test
Surgical Followup No Test
Clinical Management No Test
Dementia Care No Test
Social Work No Test
Occupational Therapy No Test
Diversional Therapy No Test
Physiotherapy No Test
Dietary Advice No Test
Psychiatric Care No Test
Community Health Nursing No Test
Other Specialties No Test

Updated: 13 Oct 2021

Domestic Assistance
Domestic Assistance
Type Self Funded Subsidised After Hours
Meals (Frozen) Yes No No Test
Meals (Fresh or Hot) Yes No No Test
Home Help (Housework/Cleaning etc.) No No No Test
Shopping Assistance No No No Test
Transport Assistance No No No Test

Updated: 13 Oct 2021

Payment Status Details
SuperGold Card Discount Yes Do you offer a discount?
Payment required Yes Is this required at the time or is it possible to pay off an account?
Subsidy may be available No Is this something that i could talk to MSD about subsidising?

Updated: 13 Oct 2021

Languages Spoken
Languages Spoken
Language Status Details
Chinese Yes
Chinese dialect Yes
Dutch Yes
English Yes What other languages are spoken by the staff?
French No test
Māori - Te Reo Yes
Rarotongan Yes

Updated: 13 Oct 2021

Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership RC Status Details
Other details Yes What groups are you part of? Are you registered with an official organisation?

Updated: 13 Oct 2021