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What happens if my care home decides to close or downsize?

Closing or downsizing an aged residential care (ARC) facility can have serious implications for everyone involved. That's why facilities need to follow a set of guidelines to make the process as smooth and supportive as possible.

Crucially, residents should continue to receive quality care as specified under the facility’s Age Related Residential Care (ARRC) Agreement. Communication is also key. There should be transparent, timely, and precise communication to all parties involved. A collaborative process should be in place with Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora to work in the best interest of residents.

When closing a facility, the owner will first notify the Health NZ programme manager before notifying residents and their families/whānau and staff. It's essential to ensure that all parties involved are informed in a timely manner, and that's why the recommended timeframe between notice to residents and their families/whānau and closure is 12 weeks. The facility will stop taking new admissions, and the owner will identify any residents under non-Health NZ contracts and notify these funders of the closure.

NASC will support residents and families/whānau with finding and transferring to new facilities, and will manage the paperwork requirements for facility transfer and funding. The facility will identify those residents who do not have family/whānau or support people as a priority for NASC support. The facility will also ensure that care is delivered according to the ARRC Agreement to all remaining residents throughout the period it takes for all residents to transfer to new facilities.

For more information about guidelines for planned closures or downsizing of Aged Residential Care Facilities, see the Health NZ website.

Updated: 3 Apr 2024
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