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Nurse Maude Hospice Palliative Care Service - Short Term Care Only - Criteria Apply

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Nurse Maude Hospice Palliative Care Service
Palliative care
15 Mansfield Avenue
Christchurch 8014
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PO Box 36126
Christchurch 8146
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Jane Rollings - (03) 375 4274
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The Nurse Maude Hospice Palliative Care Service consists of an interdisciplinary team committed to providing holistic and supportive care to people who are living with a life limiting illness, and for whom curative treatment is no longer appropriate.

The service supports and integrates physical (tinana), social (whanau), emotional (hinengaro), and spiritual (wairua) aspects of care to help the dying person and their family/whanau attain a culturally acceptable quality of life.

The service is provided in the Canterbury community and also in the hospice inpatient facility.

The Nurse Maude Hospice is a short-term (usually 1-2 weeks) 11 bed facility.Patients are admitted to the hospice for symptom management, urgent repsite care or end of life care.

The service also provides grief, loss and bereavement support to patient and families/whanau before during and after death.

Patients can be referred to the service from any health professional involved in their care.
Service Description
Service Description
Specialist hospice palliative care and support free of charge to our patients and their families in the community and in the Nurse Maude Hospice and we work alongside GP’s, District Nurses, pharmacists and other health providers.

Our Palliative Care nurses can be contacted 24 hours a day on (03) 375 4274.

Our counselling service and Korowai programme, which provides education for carers, is also free of charge to patients and their families.

As Canterbury’s largest provider of specialist hospice palliative care we provide education and support to hospital and dementia level aged residential care facilities.

We also coordinate care and support for children with chronic or serious life-threatening illness which includes providing pain relief, communication between your different doctors and other health professionals and information that can help you make decisions on treatment.

We can support you through home visits or telephone and video conferencing if you live in a remote community and identify other professionals who can help

Care is always provided in collaboration with your child’s primary paediatrician.

Updated: 16 May 2022

Suburbs/Districts/Towns Serviced
Suburbs/Districts/Towns Serviced
Urban Christchurch, Lincoln and surrounds, Rangiora and surrounds

Updated: 16 May 2022

Where service is provided
Where service is provided
Status Details
In your own home Yes
In Aged Residential Care Yes The Palliative Aged Residential Care Service (PARC) is a team of Clinical Nurse Specialists who provide education, mentoring and coaching support to hospital, rest home and dementia aged residential care facilities. The service works closely with facility staff to enhance existing competencies and build stronger expertise and sustained capability in the care of palliative residents.

Updated: 16 May 2022

After Hours
After Hours
After Hours Status Details
After Hours Yes

Updated: 16 May 2022

Payment Status Details
Free Yes

Updated: 6 Jul 2022

Languages Spoken
Languages Spoken
Language Status Details
Other Information Yes Interpreters available as required

Updated: 6 Jul 2022