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I qualify for rest home care. I want to stay home. Can I?

Staying at home may be possible but whether you can do this successfully and safely is the big question. Being assessed at rest home level of care indicates that you need quite a lot of assistance with personal care and general day to day activities. Is it possible to get the help you need in your local area?

It’s common to receive support services such as home help before a recommendation for rest home care is made and it’s likely you’ve had these services leading up to this assessment. So, what needs to change to make staying at home achievable for you? Can more home support services be provided by your local health authority? Are they or you able to fund and/or access more? (It’s often hard to find support workers in some areas.) If you have a carer what are their needs?  Is more informal support available, or have you already explored that?

If you've considered these things and you've decided you do want to stay home, let the assessors, your health team, any carer you may have, and your family/whanau know. A wider discussion is now needed.  Bear in mind, good outcomes often require compromises.

See also the article: What home help can I get? Who pays?

Updated: 11 Jun 2024
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