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Can everyday physical activity keep me fit as I get older?

Exercise needn’t be a burden. Many activities that you do each day as part of your routine may in fact be exercise. A good day in the garden will let anyone know that they have been exercising but even more gentle daily activities such as taking a brisk walk or playing with the grandchildren are sufficient to maintain a good state of fitness.

Many local authorities run exercise programmes for older people which include activities such as gym, exercise groups, swimming and pool jogging, yoga, bowls, walking groups, Tai Chi etc. The general rules are ‘Stay Active’ and ‘Use it or lose it’. Start exercising slowly and build up to a level you can sustain.

A regular exercise routine that totals 30 minutes per day brings real health benefits. The benefits of exercise include; improvement in mobility, improvement in mood, lowering of blood pressure, reducing risk factors associated with heart disease, maintenance of bone strength etc.

See your doctor if you experience any unexplained pain or shortness of breath during activity or if you are unsure what amount of exercise you require.

Find: Services to keep your mind & body in good order

Updated: 7 Feb 2024
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