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What is a Live Stronger for Longer programme?

The 'Live Stronger for Longer' programme aims to prevent falls in older people, to allow them to remain confident, healthy and independent in their homes and community. In particular, the programme offers exercise classes to improve bone health and strength and balance.

The 'Live Stronger for Longer' programme provides information, advice, and resources on topics such as exercise, nutrition, bone health, and injury prevention. The programme encourages older adults to engage in physical activity and to incorporate strength and balance exercises into their daily routines. It also provides information on how to make homes safer and how to access health services when needed. To find out more, or to find a Live Stronger for Longer class near you, visit www.livestronger.org.nz.  

The programme is brought to you by ACC, Health Quality and Safety Commission (HQSC), Ministry of Health, local community health providers, home carers, and community groups across the country.

Remember - falling is not a normal part of ageing, and there are community falls prevention programmes have been shown to be effective in building strength and balance.

Updated: 12 May 2023
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