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Lyndale Care

At a glance
Lyndale Care
Rental Village
Lyndale Villa
52/95 Cole Street
Masterton 5810
Postal Address
PO Box 732
Masterton 5840
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Visit Website
Emma Taylor - (06) 378 7059
Kevin & Vanessa Donaldson - 0274770828
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Visitors as usual (but not if you're unwell or recently returned from overseas)
Lyndale Care - Supporting Life's Journey

Our Vision - Helping our Residents make the most of every day

We do this by:
Having high performing, engaged and educated staff
Creating a safe and secure environment for our residents

Living a culture of continuous improvement
Providing high quality and well maintained facilities
Sharing pride and enjoyment of our work and each other
“Lyndale is a warm, friendly, homely place to live. Safe environment. Living here has given me a purpose in life. My kids can get on with their life and not worry about me. Recreational activities are great. I can walk to town. Meals to die for. My home for the rest of my life” Resident

“It has been a pleasure being associated with Lyndale, the staff are superb-welcoming cheerful, while providing such personal care”. Elizabeth, daughter of a Resident

“Mum loves the friendly, caring and generous staff, nothing is too much trouble for them.” Resident’s daughter

“My greatest relief and certainty surrounding my mother and her long-term stay at Lyndale Villa is the reliable care and professional concern of staff, and the natural friendships woven among the other residents. Throughout the day, they sustain and uplift Mum, in the place she calls home
Resident’s son

Updated: 11 Nov 2021

Composition of Facility
Composition of Facility
Type Details
Studio Rental
Weekly Rental From $0.00 To $500.00
Details We have 8 Studio rooms within our rest home for supported independent living. You can choose when to come into a supported environment but retain your independence.

Updated: 18 Aug 2023

Rental Details
Rental Details
Rental Details Details
What rental covers Cooked lunch and Dinner. Participation in activities program. Weekly housekeeping. Daily rubbish removal. Power.

Updated: 11 Nov 2021

Personnel & Services
Personnel & Services
Personnel / Service Hours Per Week Status Details
Hairdresser Yes
Podiatrist Negotiable
Activities Co-ordinator Yes
Meals - Available On-site Yes
Home Help - Available On-site Yes You have the comfort of knowing that if your care needs increase, additional support can be provided. Additional packages of care can be individually agreed. In some cases, these may be funded via Focus.
Registered Nurse Yes You have the comfort of knowing that if your care needs increase, registered nurse support can be provided. Additional packages of care can be individually agreed. In some cases, these may be funded via Focus.
Other Personnel Yes

Updated: 11 Nov 2021

Facility Features
Facility Features
Feature Status Details
Social/Recreational Programme Yes We have scheduled access to some of the activities program provided to the adjacent rest home residents.
Emergency Call System Yes All rooms and ensuites have call bell systems for your safety and peace of mind.
Newsletter Yes We have monthly resident meetings. Large notice board with lots of information.
Transport Available Yes We do have our own van with a hoist for the activities program and other transport by arrangement.
Lounges Yes There is a separate lounge in the studio wing.
Gardens Yes Lyndale has lovely gardens that you can access via the lounge area.

Updated: 11 Nov 2021

Special Features
Special Features
Lyndale provides an ideal opportunity for you to access supported independent living without having to pay a capital sum upfront.

As this is an independent living arrangement, you may still be eligible for any disability or accommodation allowances available through work and income.

Updated: 11 Nov 2021

Interests & Activities
Interests & Activities
Activity programme, Advocate, Age Concern, Alzheimer's Society, Aromatherapy, Arthritis society, BBQ, Big print books, Bingo, Blind Foundation, Board games, Bowls, Breakfast in bed, Canine friends, Cards, Care and Craft, Children, Church, Classical Music, Concerts, Cooking, Craft, Digital camera, Electric beds, Email, Entertainers, Entertainment, Exercises, Fax, Flower arranging, Games, Garden, Gardening, Golden Oldies, Greypower, Happy Hour, Holidays, Housie, Hydrotherapy, Indoor Games, Jigsaw, Library, Lotto, Mah Jong, Massage, Men, Minibus, Movies, Music, Newspaper reading, Organ, Outings, Park, Parkinson's Society, Parties, Pastoral care, Petanque, Pianist, Picnic facilities, Probus, Quizzes, Reading, Roses, RSA, Senior Citizens, Shopping, Sing-a-longs, Singing, Sky TV, Stroke Group, Swimming, Theatre, Vegetarian, Videos, Views

Updated: 11 Nov 2021

Languages Spoken
Languages Spoken
Language Status Details
Cook Island Maori Yes
English Yes
Fijian Indian Yes
Māori - Te Reo Yes

Updated: 11 Nov 2021

Religious/Spiritual Affiliations
Religious/Spiritual Affiliations
Religious/Spiritual Affiliations Status Details
Anglican Yes
Inter denominational Yes
Roman Catholic Yes

Updated: 11 Nov 2021

Location Distance Details
Public Transport Provide own Van with hoist
Shops Town only 1 k away, weekly trips to town library or shopping
Parks Very handy 11/2 kilometres away, take stale bread to feed ducks regularly
Library Weekly trip to library

Updated: 11 Nov 2021

Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership RC Status Details
Approved provider of Professional Development and Recognition Programme Yes
Care Association New Zealand Yes
National Certificate in Diversional Therapy Yes We currently have one trained Diversional Therapists on the staff & one in training, giving a total of 53 hours of Diversional Therapy per week.
Aged Care Association New Zealand (ACA) Yes We now have our own local branch of HCPNZ Wai
Approved provider of Professional Development and Recognition Programme Care Association New Zealand Aged Care Association New Zealand (ACA)

Updated: 11 Nov 2021