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Woburn Masonic Care - 299

At a glance
Care Suite Vacancy
Woburn Masonic Care
Rest Home
Woburn Masonic Care
63 Wai-Iti Crescent
Lower Hutt 5010
Postal Address
Same as above
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Heidi O'Reilly - 04 569 6839
The Masonic Villages Trust
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Visitors as usual (but not if you're unwell or recently returned from overseas)
Woburn Masonic Care is a brand new facility located on the original site in central Lower Hutt.
Woburn Masonic Care Home shares the Trust's mission of "Great Care" and our Vision to be the preferred choice for residents, families and staff.
Our Values are
Benevolence-kindness and consideration to everyone.
Charitable-We do things for people without expecting return
Respect-We are understanding and non-judgmental and have respect for our environment and community.
Excellence-We deliver the very best in everything we do.
We continually strive for improvement.
Integrity- We always operate with honesty and ethically.
Our staff strive daily to achieve this.
Service/Facility Details
Service/Facility Details
Detail Status
Contract with Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Yes
Certification Yes
ORA Applies Yes. An ORA (Occupation Right Agreement) means you have to 'pay' a capital amount to live here. It's a retirement village type of purchase.

Updated: 24 May 2023

Bed and Vacancy Details
Bed and Vacancy Details
Detail Status
Approximate number of beds at this level of care 5
Vacancy No
Impending vacancy No
Short stay considered No
Premium Accommodation Charges Yes from $70.00/day up to $100.00/day as at 12 Dec 2024
MOH Certification and Audit Report View MOH certification and audit report (opens in a new tab)
Extra admission requirements due to COVID-19 Please enquire

Updated: 13 Feb 2025

Care Suite Bed and Vacancy Details
Care Suite Bed and Vacancy Details
Detail Status
Approximate number of beds at this level of care 56
Care Suite Vacancy Yes
Care Suite Impending vacancy Yes - ORA
Care Suite Short stay considered No
MOH Certification and Audit Report View MOH certification and audit report (opens in a new tab)

Updated: 13 Feb 2025

Type Hours Per Week Status Details
Registered Nurse Yes We have a very dedicated Registered Nursing team, who share a passion for aged care. We have a Registered Nurse on duty each shift (AM, PM, night) with support from our manager or senior nurse after hours.
Nurse Practitioner Yes We have a NP & GP who visits weekly and is available for advice on weekends and after hours
Enrolled Nurse Negotiable
Healthcare Assistants/Caregivers Yes Our great team of caregivers support the residents and RN's to see that "Great Care" is provided to a very high standard. All care staff are trained in aged care and we encourage our staff to obtain their NZQA Health and Wellbeing levels.
Physiotherapist Yes Weekly as required and requested by the RN team.
Occupational Therapist Negotiable As required.
Social Worker (on site) No We use the DHB social worker team as needed.
Diversional Therapist Yes One full time accredited diversional therapist is on staff.
Hairdresser Yes Visits as required
Podiatrist Yes Visits monthly or as required by referral from the Registered Nurses.
Dietitian Yes As required via the Local DHB
Accredited Visitors Yes As required and requested by the teams or residents.
Kaumatua Yes As required or requested by residents and families
Chaplain/Spiritual Advisor Yes As required or requested by residents and families
Other Personnel Yes We have support from the Aged Residential team from Te Omanga Hospice. We have support from DHB NPs

Updated: 25 May 2023

Specialities or Areas of Expertise
Specialities or Areas of Expertise
Specialities or Areas of Expertise Status Details
Oxygen Management Yes
Gastronomy/Nasogastric Management Yes
End of Life/Palliative Care Yes Woburn Masonic Care provides palliative care for any residents who require it. We work closely with the Te Omanga Hospice.
Wound Care Yes
Diabetic Care Yes
Continence Advice Yes
Stomal Therapy Yes
Infection Control Yes
Clinical Management Yes

Updated: 25 May 2023

Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay
Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay
Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay Status Details
Respite Yes is only available in the event we have a vacancy at the time
Subsidised Yes
Private Paying Yes

Updated: 25 May 2023

Feature Status Details
May Bring Own Furniture Yes Rooms are provided with an electric bed, bedside cabinet and chair. You can also furnish with your own personal items
Single Rooms Yes All rooms single with ensuites
Ensuite Yes All rooms have an ensuite
Alcohol Permitted Yes Individual requirements can be met at the residents own cost.
Negotiate To Bring Own Pet Yes Own pets may be brought in to visit but all dogs must be on a lead. Birds or fish by negotiation.
Phone Access In Own Room Yes Phone connection in each room to allow residents to have own private phone at own expense and shared communal phones for those who do not need their own
Wifi Yes
Resident can adjust heating in own room Yes Radiator heating in all rooms
Cater for under 65 yrs with Disability Yes
Lounges/seating areas Yes Multiple lounge areas for relaxation and shared activities.
Gay / LGBT IQ Friendly Yes
Provide End of Life/Palliative Care Yes
Outings Yes
Whānau Room Yes
Residents Committee No .
Family Committee No Family meetings are held regularly. We also have a family satisfaction survey annually. We welcome family feedback at any time.
Newsletter Yes
Policy for management of challenging behaviour Yes A policy is in place and we pride ourselves on being a restraint free facility.
Confused Residents Yes Many of our residents have some level of confusion however we do not provide a secure dementia unit. We are unable to accommodate people who may wander away as we have many external doors.
Smokers Room No Smoking area for residents outside
Semi-Secure Yes All exterior doors are locked after hours with intercom and bell service entry

Updated: 25 May 2023

Special Features
Special Features
Central Lower Hutt location

Recreation programme tailored to individual needs for rest home and hospital residents - 6 days a week

Updated: 25 May 2023

Interests & Activities
Interests & Activities
We have a Diversional Therapist on site providing extensive programme from Monday through to Saturday This includes art, big print books, bingo, board games, bowls, cards, church, classical music, craft, dancing, entertainers, exercises, games, happy hour, housie, indoor games, jigsaw, library, minibus, movies, music, newspaper reading, pastoral care, pianist, puzzles, reading, singing, videos, individual as well as group activities are catered for.

Each resident or their family are asked to complete an activity assessment on admission to help us develop and activity plan to suit each individual.

Updated: 25 May 2023

Additional Information
Additional Information
Topic Details
What's included in your fees and what's not Hairdresser, glasses, dentures, telephone, specialist fees,non pharmac funded medications are not included in the daily rate.
Staffing qualifications and details Our Clinical Manager has extensive clinical management. Our Facility manager also Manages another Masonic Care site, and has over 20 years management experience. Our RNs all share a passion for caring for the older adult. They have access to an extensive education programme annually through various sources.
Details about meals Cibus catering onsite providing full dietary requirements. Midday main meal with options for the evening meal.
Visitor information Our visiting hours are open, and we encourage family to visit.
Recreational opportunities Recreation program 6 days a week. Large recreation room & multiple lounges for individual use & relaxation.
Internet access We have internet access for residents and family.
Transport If residents are requiring transport for appointments etc we are able to link with taxi or other businesses to provide transport.
Associated Complexes The Masonic Villages Trust has retirement villages in Horowhenua, Wairarapa, Palmerton North and Foxton providing rest home ,hospital and retirement housing options.

Updated: 25 May 2023

Languages Spoken
Languages Spoken
Language Status Details
Cook Island Maori Yes
English Yes
Fijian Yes
Fijian Indian Yes
Interpreter Yes Interpreters are available on request.
Samoan Yes
Tongan Yes

Updated: 25 May 2023

Religious/Spiritual Affiliations
Religious/Spiritual Affiliations
Religious/Spiritual Affiliations Status Details
Anglican Yes
Baptist Yes
Brethren Yes
Inter denominational Yes
Methodist Yes
Presbyterian Yes
Roman Catholic Yes The Catholic church can provide communion weekly.
Salvation Army Yes
(Other comments) Yes

Updated: 25 May 2023

Location Distance Details
Public Transport Taxi vouchers are available on request. Bus stop is within short distance. The train stop is within short distance.
Shops Central Lower Hutt
Mall Queensgate Shopping Centre
Library There are books available on site

Updated: 25 May 2023

Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership RC Status Details
National Certificate in Diversional Therapy Yes
Aged Care Association New Zealand (ACA) Yes
Village Registration not Required Yes
Aged Care Association New Zealand (ACA)

Updated: 25 May 2023

The Ministry of Health conducts regular audits of Residential Care Facilities. They can be found HERE.