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Driving Miss Daisy Wellington/Kapiti and Hutt Valley

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Driving Miss Daisy Wellington/Kapiti and Hutt Valley
Transport, vehicles & companion drivers
Wellington Hutt Valley
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Life without a Car Life without a Car Life without a Car

Throughout our lives we all want to stay connected with friends and family, maintain our independence and keep doing the things we enjoy.
There are many options for staying connected as we age, regardless of whether or not we continue driving a car.
As we age, we may choose to drive our car less than we used to, for example, we may only drive familiar routes or drive only in the day time. Some of us may find we are medically unable to continue driving and have to relinquish our driver’s licence.

There are many options that enable us to maintain our independence and keep doing the things we enjoy when we no longer drive a car. Many people of all ages get around without using a car for a variety of reasons. Reducing or stopping driving does not need to be a limiting factor that prevents you doing what you want, but it helps to think ahead about your future transport needs.

The information provided in this booklet will highlight options for older New Zealanders to remain active and connected. This will include some things to consider about where you live, community and public transport services, recreation activities as well as social outings

Your local Wellington Daisies - find your nearest Your local Wellington Daisies - find your nearest Your local Wellington Daisies - find your nearest

Printable document with names and contact details of all your Wellington Daisies

Driving Miss Daisy is a professional, safe and friendly companion driving service for all ages and abilities.

Our caring and fully trained drivers help from your door to your destination - whether you're keeping an appointment, catching up with friends and family, enjoying an outing, travelling to a regular activity or special event, shopping, getting medical treatment, even heading out of town. We offer much more than just transportation - we'll collect you, drive you to and from your destination and provide assistance as needed! We help all ages and abilities - you may be an older person (or have an older family member) wanting a hand and some company; you may be a parent or guardian needing safe and reliable transport for your child or young adult. If you're receiving ACC support while recovering from injury, we can help you and those that rely upon you to get around. If you support people with physical and/or intellectual disability, we can help with getting out and about in your community. We also help with your furry family members - cats and dogs are welcome passengers!

Our drivers are all safety checked, licensed and first aid accredited for your peace of mind, and really care about making every journey a pleasure for you.

We're Total Mobility providers: We accept Total Mobility cards, offering subsidised transport for eligible passengers.

We’re contracted by ACC to provide support during your recovery from injury – things like getting to appointments and activities, and transporting your children or other dependants.

We have a wheelchair accessible vehicle: Our VW Caddy provides a comfortable ride for wheelchair users, with large windows to take in the view. Drivers receive training specific to using mobility vehicles, and for correctly and respectfully assisting people using wheelchairs or other mobility aids.

Our costs: Our costs are based on time and the provision of a personalised service to meet your specific requirements. Call us to chat about your needs.
Suburbs/Districts/Towns Serviced
Suburbs/Districts/Towns Serviced
How to find your local Daisy Franchise Owner.
• Go to www.drivingmissdaisy.co.nz
• Type the address in the ‘FIND YOUR LOCAL DAISY’ panel.
• Select the address from the drop-down list.
• After a few seconds, the contact details of the Daisy Franchise Owner in your area will be displayed.

Updated: 7 Nov 2024

Additional Branch Locations
Additional Branch Locations
Wellington City
City/TownWellington City
ContactJulie Burgess
Phone04 470 7523
Mobile021 503 102
Email View Email Address

Wellington North/West
City/TownWellington North/West
ContactShirley Buchanan
Phone04 578 5535
Fax021 256 6902
Email View Email Address

Wellington East
City/TownWellington East
ContactJulia Burgess
Phone04 384 8344
Mobile021 215 30144
Email View Email Address

Lower Hutt
City/TownLower Hutt
ContactDeborah Hughes
Phone04 568 2254
Mobile027 280 0668
Email View Email Address

ContactMargaret Gibbs
Phone04 293 3042
Mobile021 503 945
Email View Email Address

ContactPhilip Murray
Phone04 298 3689
Mobile027 491 8993
Email View Email Address

ContactKris Brosnahan
Phone04 235 7958
Mobile021 503 520
Email View Email Address

Updated: 14 Nov 2024