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Marinoto Rest Home

At a glance
Marinoto Rest Home
Rest Home
72 Matai Street
Inglewood 4330
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Roopesh (Roo) Rajan - 06 7567170
Inglewood Welfare Society Inc
Inglewood Welfare society
Denise Loveridge
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Visitors as usual (but not if you're unwell or recently returned from overseas)

We believe the elderly resident who shares our Home is an individual, worthy of the best care our staff can provide. We encourage our Residents' family, friends and members of our community to share the happiness and well-being of the Residents and with respect to their capabilities, let them be themselves, within a safe, secure and happy environment.
Service/Facility Details
Service/Facility Details
Detail Status
Contract with Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Yes
Certification Yes
ORA Applies No

Updated: 22 Nov 2022

Bed and Vacancy Details
Bed and Vacancy Details
Detail Status
Approximate number of beds at this level of care 18
Vacancy Yes
We welcome your enquiry and are happy to show you around our warm and friendly rest home.
Impending vacancy No - Room under renovation
Short stay considered Yes
Premium Accommodation Charges Some Rooms from $10.00/day up to $13.00/day as at 18 Oct 2024
MOH Certification and Audit Report View MOH certification and audit report (opens in a new tab)
Extra admission requirements due to COVID-19 No

Updated: 22 Oct 2024

Type Hours Per Week Status Details
Registered Nurse Yes Marinoto is staffed 24/7 by Registered Nurses who are responsible for planning, implementing and reviewing Residents' individual Care Plans. The RN's are supported by a Clinical Leader who is on-site weekdays, and provides on-call support after hours.
Nurse Practitioner Yes Services are available fortnightly or as required for her enrolled residents.
Healthcare Assistants/Caregivers Yes Our healthcare assistants are dedicated, caring, knowledgeable and observant team members. They provide personal care with sensitivity to the needs of each resident and according to the care plan as directed by the RN.
Physiotherapist Yes services are available as required.
Occupational Therapist Negotiable Input from a registered Occupational Therapist will be arranged as needed.
Social Worker (on site) Negotiable The services of a Social Worker can be arranged if needed.
Diversional Therapist No Our Activities Coordinator is working towards gaining the national Diversional Therapy qualification.
Activities Co-ordinator Yes Our Activities Coordinator works Mon - Fri to provide interesting and stimulating activities for Residents. Trips off-site are arranged each month. A day programme for community members is also available on request.
Hairdresser Yes Hairdressing services are available on a regular basis - please ask for details.
Podiatrist Yes Podiatry services are available on a regular basis - please ask for details.
Dietitian Yes The meals are designed to provide Residents with an interesting nutritionally-balanced diet. This is monitored by a Registered Dietitian who provides individual advice as needed.
Accredited Visitors Negotiable Accrediting volunteers who currently visit the rest home on a regular basis is in process.
Kaumatua Negotiable Visits from Kaumatua are welcomed, so please speak to management if this is something your family member would like.
Chaplain/Spiritual Advisor Negotiable Visits from a chaplain or spiritual advisor are welcomed, so please speak to management if this is something your family member would like. Currently a Christian service is held in the rest home lounge on the third Thursday afternoon of each month.
Other Personnel Yes We have established relationships with local GPs, District Nurses and pharmacy.

Updated: 14 Jun 2023

Specialities or Areas of Expertise
Specialities or Areas of Expertise
Specialities or Areas of Expertise Status Details
Oxygen Management Yes Oxygen therapy for long-term conditions (eg emphysema) can be provided.
Palliative Care (Contracted) Yes
End of Life/Palliative Care Yes Registered Nurses are trained in palliative care. We have an established relationship with the Inglewood District Health Trust and Hospice to offer support if needed.
Wound Care Yes Wound care is provided by our RNs. We have access to specialist advice/support if required.
Diabetic Care Yes
Continence Advice Yes Staff are trained in the appropriate use of incontinence products and we also can refer residents to specialist nurses if required.
Stomal Therapy Yes Staff have had experience in helping Residents manage stomas, and support from specialist health professionals is accessed as needed.
Stroke Rehabilitation No However staff will carry out exercises prescribed by a physiotherapist and support residents to regain as much independence as possible following a stroke.
Infection Control Yes Infection control is the responsibility of every staff member in our facility, who are trained in the use of PPE. Infection control issues are monitored and analysed monthly by one of the registered nurses. Advice and support is sought from specialist services in specific circumstances.
Clinical Management Yes Clinical Leader on-site weekday and on call after hours.
Other Specialties Yes As required

Updated: 14 Jun 2023

Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay
Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay
Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay Status Details
Respite Yes Please contact the manager to discuss respite care needs.
Carer Support Yes Please contact the manager to discuss short stays to provide carer support (or for other reasons).
Subsidised Yes
Private Paying Yes
Booking can be made in advance Yes Please contact the manager to discuss whether an advance booking could be taken as it may depend on how far in advance the booking is being requested.

Updated: 22 Nov 2022

Feature Status Details
May Bring Own Furniture Yes Residents are encouraged to bring in personal possessions eg photos and ornaments, TV, radio etc; to make their room feel like a part of their home.
Single Rooms Yes All Residents have their own room for their comfort and relaxation.
Rooms suitable for a couple Yes One double room - ideal for partners who want to stay together.
Ensuite Yes 18 rooms with ensuites.
Alcohol Permitted Yes Under supervision of clinical staff.
Pets In Residence No But family are encouraged to bring in pets to visit.
Negotiate To Bring Own Pet Yes
Phone Access In Own Room Yes Residents can talk privately on the residents phone line on the portable handset. We encourage residents to have their own mobile phone.
Wifi Yes
Resident can adjust heating in own room Yes Heating can be adjusted in most rooms but others are climate controlled.
Lounges/seating areas Yes There are three lounge areas as well as outdoor seating areas. These offer a variety of spaces, in both size and privacy. People can therefore find an appropriate place to suit the situation whether it is a special visit or more social occasion.
Gay / LGBT IQ Friendly Yes
Provide End of Life/Palliative Care Yes
Palliative Care Contract Yes We provide quality care for the terminally ill. The emphasis is on pain management, preservation of dignity & keeping the resident as comfortable as possible. Doctors and staff liaise closely to achieve optimal results. Family involvement is appreciated.
Day Programme for day stay clients Yes Marinoto offer a day programme. It may be arranged through NASC and qualify for funding. The day programme involves the client in organised activities and socialisation with residents on Fridays. Morning and afternoon tea and a hot mid-day meal are included. However transport is not provided.
Outings Yes Outings are provided by the facility, eg to local cafes, visits to other rest homes, or scenic tours to take in the sights.
Whānau Room Yes
Māori Kaupapa Yes
Residents Committee No However monthly meetings are held with residents, the manager and a member of the Inglewood Welfare Committee to discuss items of interest to all.
Newsletter Yes
Policy for management of challenging behaviour Yes Please ask to see this if you wish.
Confused Residents Yes Some residents have short-term memory loss or early-stage dementia. A strengths-based approach is used to discover and focus on what our residents can still do.
Rural Setting No We are located in the rural town of Inglewood and look out onto two reserves located across the surrounding streets.
Smokers Room No There is a designated outdoor smoking area.
Smoking Permitted No For the health and safety of both residents and staff, we have a "no smoking" policy. However residents, staff and visitors who wish to smoke may do so, but outside, in an area designated by Management.

Updated: 22 Nov 2022

Special Features
Special Features
A number of our Residents have lived in the Inglewood area for many years so they have established strong links within the community. Likewise as a community-based facility, we also have considerable input from local people who frequently visit. This interaction with local people maintains a sense of social connectedness.

We support our residents to retain as much independence as possible and to be involved as much as they wish in the day to day activities in the home.

Marinoto is spacious yet homely. Many of the living spaces look like one might expect in a large country home.

Management and the RN are available to help the resident and their family/whanau come to terms with the changes required when entering Rest Home care. The well-being , both emotionally and physically, of the resident's family/whanau is important to us. We try to make relatives and friends of the Resident as comfortable as we can. Family may assist in the care of their relative if they wish, and are invited to have input into care plans.


In 1970 Marinoto was purchased from the Taranaki Hospital Board by the Inglewood Welfare Society Incorporated. The Society is controlled by a voluntary Executive Committee of six members. The Inglewood Welfare Society is a non-profit making organisation. All money received is returned to maintaining Marinoto as a quality home.

Updated: 22 Nov 2022

Interests & Activities
Interests & Activities

An activity programme is developed every month and a variety of activities are provided in the home on a daily basis.

Group activities include exercises, bowls, games (eg quoits, target bowls, bean-bag throws), card bingo, cards, craft, cooking, music and singing, gardening in warmer weather, movies, nostalgia/memories sessions, quizzes, trips to other facilities & organisations.

Individual activities - jigsaw puzzles, reading (our books or library service), piano available for playing, variety of local newspapers to read, lots of music CDs to listen to, and watching the traffic go by (always something interesting driving by on SH 3!)

Entertainment - every week we host the best entertainers in the region and enjoy an afternoon of music and song. Happy hour is part of the event and friends and family are welcome.

Visitors - residents from other rest homes, volunteer visitors from community, invited speakers, Americana cars/drivers - whatever is currently happening, we try to take part in!


If a resident has a particular interest, we try to support this interest to continue. For example, we have an artist, an entertainer, a knitter, some gardeners and keen walkers in our midst at present. Many residents come from a farming background.

Updated: 14 Jun 2023

Additional Information
Additional Information
Topic Details
What's included in your fees and what's not The following services are not covered by the rest home fee (please note this list is not exclusive): • Podiatry • Hair dressing • Insurance of the Residents personal belongings • Non-subsidised medicines - many medicines are free but some are not covered fully by any government subsidy. • Specialist services, eg medical specialists, dentists, opticians, audiologists • Extra requested doctor's visits (outside entitled services, ie designated regular visits and when clinically indicated) • Specialised assessment and rehabilitation services • Customised equipment, such as modified wheelchairs, seating systems for postural support, specialised communication equipment • The provision of equipment, aids, medical supplies or services that relate to conditions covered by DHB funding except clinical equipment for general use • Clothing and personal toiletries, dry cleaning, shopping and special activities. We appreciate relatives assisting with such items as powders, perfume, after-shave, face creams etc. These items are important for the emotional and psychological well-being of the resident. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this list, please contact the Rest Home Manager.
Staffing qualifications and details Marinoto has a wonderful team of care staff who are experienced and dedicated to caring for the elderly. They have gained or are studying for their NZ Health & Wellbeing certificates. Senior staff hold First Aid certificates. Several have undertaken on-line dementia study, and ongoing in-service training is provided for all. In addition, care staff create a happy, relaxed atmosphere for residents to enjoy. The Manager has a Master of Nursing degree, we have a Clinical Leader with experience in Aged Care. Both work together with care staff, other health professionals and the Resident & their family to co-ordinate a holistic care plan to take care of the Resident's needs. Our Kitchen team leader and his assistants work hard to provide varied and tasty meals. Our dedicated cleaner takes pride in keeping the home fresh and clean. The Management team are able to answer any questions you may have with regard to Rest Home care and funding. Please feel free to ask.
Details about meals We operate a four-week menu and also a winter and summer menus which have had input from a registered dietician and the menu may be inspected. Residents have meals in our light, bright dining room unless unwell or having a birthday "breakfast in bed". We aim to create a family atmosphere at meal times.
Internet access Wifi is available

Updated: 14 Jun 2023

Languages Spoken
Languages Spoken
Language Status Details
English Yes
Filipino Yes
Georgian Yes
Interpreter Yes If a Resident has any difficulties understanding any written documents or verbal conversation, we will be happy to arrange an interpreter.
Māori - Te Reo Yes
Other Information Yes We respect that everyone has a culture. If a Resident has particular expectation/ their culture requires us to provide, within our service, something unique to their daily living requirements, then we will take every step to be sensitive to their wishes.

Updated: 22 Nov 2022

Religious/Spiritual Affiliations
Religious/Spiritual Affiliations
Religious/Spiritual Affiliations Status Details
Christian Yes Church Service Monthly.
Non denominational Yes

Updated: 22 Nov 2022

Location Distance Details
Public Transport 0.20 Km On main bus route
Shops 0.20 Km We are only a few hundred metres to bank, cafes, dentist, churches, medical centre and shops.
Mall 0.20 Km Ingelwood Town Centre
Parks 0.10 Km A beautiful park is located across the road from Marinoto. Our conservatory overlooks the park.
Library 0.20 Km Town Centre

Updated: 22 Nov 2022

Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership RC Status Details
National Certificate in Diversional Therapy Yes Currently studying.

Updated: 22 Nov 2022

The Ministry of Health conducts regular audits of Residential Care Facilities. They can be found HERE.