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Royal District Nursing Service NZ - South Island

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Royal District Nursing Service NZ - South Island
Home help & personal care
8 Hugo Johnston Drive
Auckland 1061
Postal Address
PO Box 17-122
Auckland 1546
Southern (Otago), Canterbury, South Canterbury, Southern (Southland)
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Carmel Conaghan - 021834015
Business Development Manager
Becks Macvey - 0277006577
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RDNS Brochure RDNS Brochure RDNS Brochure
RDNS NZ is a Not-for-Profit, Home and Community Service Provider that was established in 2009. We deliver homecare services across the country and hold contracts with many funders. We employ 600 staff and support approximately 2,500 clients.
RDNS NZ really cares about your individual needs and what you require to be able to live comfortably in your own home.
We have a clinical team (made up of Registered Nurses and an Occupational Therapist) who will meet with you and your family/whanau initially to discuss your needs. They will then work alongside you to develop a plan of care. Our trained Support Workers will then provide your care, working alongside you and our clinical team to adjust your package of care as required.
Service Description
Service Description

For many people, remaining in the comfort and security of home can be a challenge.

If you’ve had a life changing event due to an accident, have a disability or simply need support as you grow older, RDNS NZ can help you to remain independent, at home.

Our professional and friendly staff can work with you to plan services that will support your goals and help you to get the most out of life.

A referral to RDNS NZ can come from virtually any source. You can either contact us directly or a family member, carer, doctor or other health professional can make the referral for you.

We receive funding from Health New Zealand - Te Whatu Ora, Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC), Whaikaha (Ministry of Disabled People), and Oranga Tamariki to deliver the support you need in your home. We can also provide services on a private, fee for service basis as required.

If you would like to speak to us about our packages of care to meet yours or a loved one's specific needs, simply call 0800 736 769 and one of our friendly staff will be happy to talk with you.

RDNS NZ is for everyone. If you have a genuine nursing or home care need, we’re here to support you.

Some of our services that can assist you in staying at home are:

• Personal care
Including assistance with: showering, dressing and undressing, toileting, assistance getting into and out of bed, medication management, and meal preparation. Note: we also assist clients with complex needs requiring a hoist lift.

• Domestic help
Including housework, laundry and shopping

• Restorative activities
Including assisting with exercise programmes, or socialisation programmes that allow people to lead more fulfilling lives.

• Child care
Supervising child activities including feeding, toileting, play activities, transportation to and from child care facilities/school

• Respite in the Home
To enable a full time carer of a loved one to have a break

• Nursing Care
Delivered at home, fostering improved health and a greater sense of control and independence. This care could include assessments, blood pressure and blood sugar checks, wound care and stomal care.

Updated: 28 May 2024

Meeting the needs of older people
Meeting the needs of older people
RDNS NZ holds a contract with Health NZ - Te Whatu Ora to provide Home and Community Supports to persons > 65 yrs old living in Otago / Southland with an assessed need. If you live in this region, and you or a loved one needs help please ask your doctor to make a referral.

Updated: 28 May 2024

Suburbs/Districts/Towns Serviced
Suburbs/Districts/Towns Serviced
Canterbury, Otago and Southland

Updated: 28 May 2024

Personal Assistance
Personal Assistance
Type Self Funded Subsidised After Hours
Registered Nurse (eg Wound Care, Medication) Yes No Yes
Carer Support Yes Yes Yes
Sitter Service/Companions Yes No No
Live In Care (24 Hr) Yes No No
Personal Care (Showering, Dressing) Yes Yes Yes

Updated: 19 Jun 2024

Specialities or Areas of Expertise
Specialities or Areas of Expertise
Specialties or Areas of Expertise Status Details
Oxygen Management Yes
Gastronomy/Nasogastric Management Yes Peg feeds
Palliative Care Contract Yes SDHB
End of Life/Palliative Care Yes SDHB, Private, MOH
Wound Care Yes
Diabetic Care Yes
Stroke Rehabilitation Yes
Infection Control. Yes
Clinical Management Yes
Dementia Care Yes
Occupational Therapy Yes

Updated: 9 Jul 2024

Domestic Assistance
Domestic Assistance
Type Self Funded Subsidised After Hours
Meals (Fresh or Hot) Yes Yes Yes Meal preparation, Private, SDHB, MOH
Home Help (Housework/Cleaning etc.) Yes Yes Yes
Shopping Assistance Yes Yes Yes

Updated: 9 Jul 2024

Payment Status Details
Payment required Yes For Privately funded Homecare
Free Yes for services funded by Health NZ - Te Whatu Ora, Whaikaha - Ministry for Disabled People, ACC and Oranga Tamariki

Updated: 9 Jul 2024

Languages Spoken
Languages Spoken
Language Status Details
English Yes
Māori - Te Reo Yes

Updated: 9 Jul 2024

Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership RC Status Details
Home and Community Health Association Yes
Other details Yes Neurological Foundation, Diabetes Society
Home and Community Health Association

Updated: 9 Jul 2024