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Grey Power

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Grey Power
Formal groups & organisations
Auckland, Northland, Waitemata, Counties Manukau, Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Lakes, Tairawhiti, Taranaki, Whanganui, Hawke's Bay, Wairarapa, MidCentral, Capital & Coast, Hutt Valley, Nelson Marlborough, West Coast, Canterbury, South Canterbury, Southern (Otago), Southern (Southland)
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Basic information
Our mission statement is to be the appropriate voice for all New Zealanders.

Grey Power New Zealand Federation Inc (formerly known as the Auckland Superannuitants Association) was started in February 1986 to campaign for the abolishment of the surtax on NZ Superannuation. Nowadays, we are a nationwide Federation of Associations. The local Associations are run on annual subscription basis with most having an annual expiry date of 31st March each year. Manned by volunteer committees, they work hard on behalf of their members. The Federation office carries out the administration of the Federation board and assists the Associations.

Grey Power is an advocacy organisation promoting the welfare and well-being of all those citizens in the 50 plus age group. We monitor what the government is doing and how that will affect our members – meeting with influential people including politicians, to make our views known.

Grey Power is dedicated to the welfare, interests and concerns of the many people who are over 50 years and is a neutral but assertive voice of influence in the political arena with no party political affiliation.