Age Concern Wairarapa WOOPs
At a glance
- Name
- Age Concern Wairarapa WOOPs
- Category
- Formal groups & organisations
- Address
- 14B Queen Street
Masterton 5810 - Postal Address
- Same as above
- Region
- Wairarapa
- Phone
- View Phone Number
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- View Fax Number
- View Email Address
Other services

Held in Masterton, Carterton and Featherston monthly (except January). Morning tea is provided,with a Speaker or Entertainment. Transport is available for those needing it for the Masterton coffee morning. Raffles and a sales table help to cover costs.
Run by Age Concern Wairarapa WOOPs in the Wairarapa as an Age Concern programme. Volunteer visitors receive training/orientation and are then matched with an older person living in their own home or rest home, who they visit regularly. Ongoing training and support meetings are held.
Staying Safe
Staying Safe is a classroom based refresher course for Senior road users to maintain and improve your safe driving practices and help you to remain safely mobile. Course contents are developed and provided by the Land Transport Safety Authority. The course is free and is run by a professional driving instructor.
Age Concern Wairarapa WOOPs is an authorised assessment agency for the Wellington Regional Council’s Total Mobility Scheme, which subsidises taxi costs for people unable to use Public Transport.
We can provide assistance with application to WINZ, or support you with your request when dealing with government agencies.
Members of the organisation make presentations to schools and interested groups, and make submissions on issues of importance.
A life tube can speak for you when you can’t. A special tube contains vital personal information which may be accessed by emergency services in case of accident or illness. These cost $4.00, available from the Age Concern Wairarapa WOOPS office.
Arranged each month to cater to the interests of members.
We are a charitable organisation dedicated solely to older New Zealanders.
As an organisation associated with Age Concern NZ, Age Concern Wairarapa WOOPS is able to have issues and concerns of older people raised at a national level, as well as receiving very valuable information from around the country and the world.
Held in Masterton, Carterton and Featherston monthly (except January). Morning tea is provided,with a Speaker or Entertainment. Transport is available for those needing it for the Masterton coffee morning. Raffles and a sales table help to cover costs.
Run by Age Concern Wairarapa WOOPs in the Wairarapa as an Age Concern programme. Volunteer visitors receive training/orientation and are then matched with an older person living in their own home or rest home, who they visit regularly. Ongoing training and support meetings are held.
Staying Safe
Staying Safe is a classroom based refresher course for Senior road users to maintain and improve your safe driving practices and help you to remain safely mobile. Course contents are developed and provided by the Land Transport Safety Authority. The course is free and is run by a professional driving instructor.
Age Concern Wairarapa WOOPs is an authorised assessment agency for the Wellington Regional Council’s Total Mobility Scheme, which subsidises taxi costs for people unable to use Public Transport.
We can provide assistance with application to WINZ, or support you with your request when dealing with government agencies.
Members of the organisation make presentations to schools and interested groups, and make submissions on issues of importance.
A life tube can speak for you when you can’t. A special tube contains vital personal information which may be accessed by emergency services in case of accident or illness. These cost $4.00, available from the Age Concern Wairarapa WOOPS office.
Arranged each month to cater to the interests of members.
We are a charitable organisation dedicated solely to older New Zealanders.
As an organisation associated with Age Concern NZ, Age Concern Wairarapa WOOPS is able to have issues and concerns of older people raised at a national level, as well as receiving very valuable information from around the country and the world.