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Fountains Funerals & Monuments

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Fountains Funerals & Monuments
End of life & funeral
35 Wood Street
Auckland 2110
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Wendy Bygrove - 092982957
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Fountains Funeral Checklist Fountains Funeral Checklist Fountains Funeral Checklist

We can give you advice and guidance on every aspect of the funeral process, attached is is a useful planning checklist

We are proud to have served the richly diverse community of South Auckland for over 50 years and have built a reputation of providing a first-class service to our families.
We offer a full range of funeral facilities including a modern, comfortable chapel, large reception lounge and private viewing rooms.

When someone you love passes away, our compassionate and experienced team will guide you through the entire process, taking care of all the details and enabling you to say goodbye in a way that is meaningful to you.
Please call us any time, day or night and we will point you in the right direction.

Increasingly, people are planning their own funerals, mainly to lessen the responsibilities for their family. While there is no one right or wrong way to have a funeral, most of us have a view on what we would like, but because it can be a hard conversation, many of us have yet to express this to our family.

Families want to do the best they can to honour your life, and it can be overwhelming to make all the necessary decisions at a difficult time. Planning elements of your own funeral provides the opportunity to make clear your personal preference.

When it comes to funerals, we understand that there are many things you will want to know, please call us we are always happy to help.
"This is the second time we have used Fountains for a whānau service. Both times we had so much support, at a time where your mind goes blank. I would like to thank Emma & Shellie for everything they have done this week to make my baby sisters life celebration so beautiful" Daphne Teau

Updated: 23 Dec 2024

Service Description
Service Description
We can give you advice and guidance on every aspect of the funeral process. Once you have decided what you would like, we will arrange everything to your wishes.

Don’t feel you have to rush things. A funeral or tangi is usually held within 3-5 days from the time of passing but can be held off for longer. Take into account family who may have to make travel arrangements to attend.

We can assist with
*Arranging a funeral
*Casket options
*Monumental - headstone and plaques
*Twilight services
*Send a tribute

Updated: 23 Dec 2024

Suburbs/Districts/Towns Serviced
Suburbs/Districts/Towns Serviced
Service South Auckland and Franklin

PAPAKURA (Opening Soon)
Corner Elliot & Wood Streets
Papakura 2102, Auckland

93 Edinburgh Street
Pukekohe, 2120, Auckland

Updated: 14 Jan 2025

After Hours
After Hours
After Hours Status Details
After Hours Yes Phone 24 Hours Fountains Funerals are always available to chat as we know this can be an overwhelming time.

Updated: 23 Dec 2024

Payment Status Details
Payment required Yes The cost of a funeral is dependent on many of the choices your make and can be adjusted to meet your budget. If you have financial concerns, please let us know at the earliest opportunity and we will work with you to meet your needs within your budget.
Subsidy may be available Yes ACC Funeral Grant When a death is established as accidental the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) may pay compensation and/or contribute to funeral costs. WINZ Funeral Grant If there are financial difficulties, you may be eligible for a WINZ grant ask us for further information. Veterans Affairs Veterans may be eligible for a payment towards funerals.

Updated: 23 Dec 2024