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Steele Park Home

At a glance
Steele Park Home
Day & social programmes
138 Firth Street
Hamilton East
Hamilton 3216
Postal Address
Same as above
View Phone Number
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View Email Address
Tina Manuel - 078561515
Carly Mangulabnan
Clinical Manager
Mable John - 078561515
Other services
Basic information
Visitors as usual (but not if you're unwell or recently returned from overseas)
At Steele Park Home we specialise in individualised care that looks after our residents overall needs, developed with them and for them, and delivered by our expert team of managers, nurses, health care assistants and support staff who all share a true passion for aged care.

At Steele Park Home we offer compassionate and respectful care to our residents, whether it be rest home, palliative and hospital care as well as respite and care support.

Our home puts our residents at the heart of our culture. We understand how you have always lived in your life with purpose and would like to keep it that way. That's why everything we do considers your personal choices at every level of your wellness.

When it comes time to consider a care facility for yourself or a loved one call us to come in for a chat and view our facility. We will be proud to discuss our offering.

Steele Park is located within a short distance of Hamilton East's many amenities, including Steele Park, a popular go to for leisurely walks and sport activities. It's a place where family and friends can conveniently visit. We are proudly part of the Soundcare Group, with six homes offering holistic care to older people in New Zealand.