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Kapiti Retirement Trust - Matai Wing - SHORT TERM CARE ONLY - Nikau Club

At a glance
Kapiti Retirement Trust - Matai Wing - SHORT TERM CARE ONLY
Day & social programmes
1 Lodge Drive
Paraparaumu Beach
Paraparaumu 5032
Postal Address
1 Lodge Drive
Paraparaumu Beach
Paraparaumu 5032
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Wendy Huston (CEO) Cynthia Tarrant (Mgr) - (04) 297 0116
Kapiti Retirement Trust
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Visitors with limitations - please call us first
I have never left my husband for more than 24 hours in 5 years. Sevenoaks has brought peace of mind to me and dispelled the terrible fears in my mind of unkind treatment to the elderly who cannot communicate their feelings.


I have travelled extensively and not experienced anything better.


Applauds to the staff who not only cared for my husband but for us as a family.


Quality of care and staff are fabulous. I could go away knowing her needs would be met.


Loved the diversional therapy programme, presentation, content, brilliant.


I was very glad to have had the week in the Matai Wing. It was very helpful to be cared for and to know that my husband was being beautifully cared for. I felt like coming back for a day or two once home.


Overall your facility was excellent and catered for people at a very difficult time of life. Great for the spouse to get a break.


Sevenoaks has created a very special environment of care in every aspect. Your organisation has a lot to be proud of, well done!

Updated: 8 Nov 2012

Service Description
Service Description
Nikau Club is day respite unit within our village enviroment. It is a stand alone house with a lovely homely feel. We provide home cooked morning and afternoon teas and a hot midday meal. Our staff are there to make your stay a wonderful experience within a very homely relaxed atmosphere. We provide a variety of activities and also can offer trips out to local land marks as our clients can manage. We would love to be able to support you and care for you in this wonderful environment.

Updated: 8 Nov 2012

Suburbs/Districts/Towns Serviced
Suburbs/Districts/Towns Serviced
Our area covers the Capital and Coast District Health Board area however we are based on the Kapiti Coast. We can care for clients who live in the Otaki area however you will need to transport yourself to the club if you live outside of the Paraparaumu-Waikanae area.We can pick you up from Paraparaumu and Waikanae to transport you for a small charge.

Updated: 8 Nov 2012

Companionship Self Funded Subsidised After Hours
Day Programme (Dementia Care) Yes No No
Day Programme (Non Dementia) Yes Yes No
Lunch Yes Yes No There is a small cost for lunch if you are attending privately and not eligible for day respite through the Care Co-ordination Centre assessment process.
Activities/Exercise Programme No Yes No

Updated: 8 Nov 2012

Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay
Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay
Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay Status Details
Respite Yes
Carer Support Yes
High Care Needs Yes
Subsidised Yes
Private Paying Yes
Booking can be made in advance Yes

Updated: 8 Nov 2012

Languages Spoken
Languages Spoken
Language Status Details
English Yes

Updated: 8 Nov 2012