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The Fred Hollows Foundation NZ

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The Fred Hollows Foundation NZ
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120 Albert Street
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Karen Blake
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Gift in Wills Brochure Gift in Wills Brochure Gift in Wills Brochure

We appreciate that organising your Will is one of the most important decisions of your life. You'll want to provide for your loved ones first. We encourage you to talk to them about leaving a gift in your Will to The Foundation before making your decision.

If you choose to remember The Fred Hollows Foundation NZ in your Will, the next step is to visit your solicitor or the trustee company. When you're there, you will need to tell them who you want to benefit from your Will and who you wish to act as your executors.

You will also need to tell your solicitor or the trustee company what kind of gift you want to make to The Fred Hollows Foundation NZ.

We are sincerely thankful for your kind consideration toward making this heartfelt gift that will bring sight to so many people in the Pacific.

Who we are -

Kiwi-born Professor Fred Hollows (1929-1993) was a world-renowned eye surgeon and humanitarian who worked tirelessly to restore sight to needlessly blind people. In his time, Fred helped restore eyesight to thousands of people and now, more than 30 years later, his work lives on.

The Fred Hollows Foundation NZ strives to end avoidable blindness and vision impairment in the Pacific and is part of a global organisation that works in more than 25 countries worldwide.

Globally, 9 out of 10 people who are blind don’t need to be; their condition is preventable or treatable.

The Foundation works with Pacific governments, Ministries of Health, and universities to restore sight to the needlessly blind and vision impaired, train local eye health specialists to provide eye care services in their own communities and strengthen local health systems so that everyone can access quality eye care.

Every year The Foundation restores sight to thousands of people across the Pacific who are needlessly blind or vision impaired. This life-changing work not only restores sight, it can enable family members who have been staying home to help care for their loved ones, to return to work or school. It can transform the lives of entire families and communities. This is made possible only through the generosity of our supporters.

Gifts in Wills are such a vital part of that support.

Would you consider leaving a Gift in your Will to give the gift of sight long into the future?

You’ll be helping to give people in the Pacific access to the eye care they need, even in the most remote villages. You’ll also be helping to increase the numbers of eye doctors, nurses, and facilities within those communities that will restore sight to thousands of people.

Please click here to read our Gift in Wills brochure or you can visit our website www.hollows.org.nz to read how your future gift will help in so many ways - through the men, women, and children whose lives have been transformed.

We are sincerely thankful for your kind consideration toward making this heartfelt gift that will bring sight to so many people in the Pacific.

Please consider making Fred's legacy your legacy by leaving a Gift in your Will.

If you would like to have a no obligation, confidential chat, please click here to email Karen Blake on kblake@hollows.nz or feel free to contact Karen on 0800 227 229
Glenis has left a gift in her Will to The Fred Hollows Foundation because she thinks we do "an absolutely marvelous job."

“Having been born with poor eyesight, I have worn glasses since nine years old. I will never forget the day I put my glasses on for the first time and was amazed, astonished, overwhelmed by what I could see. I just want others to have that same feeling.

"The education and training The Fred Hollows Foundation provides is fantastic. For a very small monthly donation, people in the Pacific have access to decent eye care. Without The Foundation working in the Pacific community, I think there would be no opportunity for people to regain their eyesight.

I think very highly of Fred Hollows, who gave his life to helping others. I feel the foundation carries on his important work.

I have no kids and I want what I have accumulated in my life to go to a worthy cause... so I picked The Fred Hollows Foundation."

She jokes, "My parents are 88 and 90 and still alive, so I think you have some time yet to wait to realise the bequest.”

Updated: 21 Dec 2023

Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership RC Status Details
Other details Yes The Fred Hollows Foundation NZ is a registered charitable organisation under the Charities Act 2005. Our Charities Commission registration number is CC23722.

Updated: 7 Nov 2023