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Wanaka Retirement Village (a Presbyterian Support Otago Enliven village)

At a glance
Wanaka Retirement Village (a Presbyterian Support Otago Enliven village)
Retirement Village
7 Meadowstone Drive
Wanaka 9305
Postal Address
Same as above
Central Otago
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Visit Website
Kim Tilly - 0272204169
Presbyterian Support Otago
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Visitors as usual (but not if you're unwell or recently returned from overseas)
We believe some things make for happier, healthier living no matter what your age, and that is reflected in our small village on the flat just back from Lake Wanaka.

The Pembroke Lounge and Courtyard are the hub of the village and there's seldom a day goes by that laughter and chatter don't attract other Villagers to sit either outside or in, to chew over the fat.

Villagers love their gardens and what a picture they make. Personal floral preferences abound, cuttings are swapped and secrets on growing conditions shared.

The Enliven principles of choice, activity, contribution, relationships, respect and security are alive and well at Wanaka Retirement Village.

The Manager lives on site to ensure any questions villagers, their families and friends might have are answered promptly.

And if that wasn't enough...our prices range from $400,000 to $850,000 plus weekly fees.

Because we are a small village demand for villas is high, so we operate a Contact List. If you want to be contacted before any home goes on the open market then please call 027 220 6149 to be put on that list.
Upcoming Open Days
Upcoming Open Days
No open days are currently scheduled.
What's Not to Like?

That’s the question put by current residents to anyone considering moving to Wanaka Retirement Village.

“We all love it here and get on so well that we’ve developed quite a nice community spirit,” says an Apartment Villager.

Villa resident Pat agrees. “We have a very friendly community here and my neighbours are very good too,” she laughs, while holding daffodil bulbs given to her by a fellow Villager.

Former Villagers, now residents at Elmslie House, our Enliven care home which is literally just 10 metres away, continue to take part in our activities and say the social connections are an important part of Village living.

We see pets as part of the family and we have both cats and dogs enjoying Village life, although they are nor suited to apartment living.

Updated: 26 Jul 2022

Agent's Details
Agent's Details
Name Village Manager Kim Tilly
Address 7 Meadowstone Drive
City/Town Wanaka
Company Wanaka Retirement Village
Phone 027 2206149
Mobile 027 2206149
Email View Email Address

Updated: 27 Jul 2023

Statutory Supervisor's Details
Statutory Supervisor's Details
Name The Statutory Supervisor
Address PO Box 4243 Shortland St
City/Town Auckland
Company Covenant Trustee Services Ltd
Phone (09) 302 0638

Updated: 28 Sep 2012

Composition of Village
Composition of Village
Type Details
Apartment (1 Bedroom)
Low Price$400,000
High Price$425,000
Tenure TermsOccupation Right Agreement. The Occupation Right Agreement (ORA) is the name of the agreement between you and PSO Retirement Villages Ltd. It gives you the right to occupy a villa or apartment in the Wanaka Retirement Village. This “right” is the most common form of agreement used by retirement villages in New Zealand
Surrender DetailsWhen you terminate your ORA, a new Agreement for your home is then sold on the open market to a new resident.
Any money you receive from this sale is based on your ORA, and will be at least 75% of your purchase price.
Service Charge DetailsThis fee is paid monthly in advance and covers the cost of services such as rates, insurances, gardening, rubbish removal, maintenance and the Statutory Supervisor service. Currently the weekly fee for one-bedroom apartment residents is $130.94 July 2024). You continue to pay this fee until your Occupation Right Agreement is re-sold. If after six months it remains unsold, you pay only 50% of the fee until it is. The weekly fee is reviewed when Wanaka Retirement Village budgets are set each July, and may or may not be adjusted accordingly.
Nursing Care DetailsPriority entry to the adjacent Elmslie House, an Enliven residential aged care home, if a room is available.
Apartment (2 Bedrooms)
Low Price$630,000
High Price$650,000
Tenure TermsOccupation Right Agreement. The Occupation Right Agreement (ORA) is the name of the agreement between you and PSO Retirement Villages Ltd. It gives you the right to occupy a villa or apartment in the Wanaka Retirement Village. This “right” is the most common form of agreement used by retirement villages in New Zealand
Surrender DetailsWhen you terminate your ORA, a new Agreement for your home is then sold on the open market to a new resident.
Any money you receive from this sale is based on your ORA, and will be at least 75% of your purchase price.
Service Charge DetailsThis fee is paid monthly in advance and covers the cost of services such as rates, insurances, gardening, rubbish removal, maintenance and the Statutory Supervisor service. Currently the weekly fee for two-bedroom apartments is $145.49 (July 2024). You continue to pay this fee until your Occupation Right Agreement is re-sold. If after six months it remains unsold, you pay only 50% of the fee until it is. The weekly fee is reviewed when Wanaka Retirement Village budgets are set each July, and may or may not be adjusted accordingly.
Nursing Care DetailsPriority entry to the adjacent Elmslie House, an Enliven residential aged care home, if a room is available.
Villa (2 Bedrooms)
Low Price$825,000
High Price$850,000
Tenure TermsOccupation Right Agreement. The Occupation Right Agreement (ORA) is the name of the agreement between you and PSO Retirement Villages Ltd. It gives you the right to occupy a villa or apartment in the Wanaka Retirement Village. This “right” is the most common form of agreement used by retirement villages in New Zealand.
Surrender DetailsWhen you terminate your ORA, a new Agreement for your home is then sold on the open market to a new resident.
Any money you receive from this sale is based on your ORA, and will be at least 75% of your purchase price.
Service Charge DetailsThis fee is paid monthly in advance and covers the cost of services such as rates, insurances, gardening, rubbish removal, maintenance and the Statutory Supervisor service. Currently the weekly fee is $152.76 (July 2024). You continue to pay this fee until your Occupation Right Agreement is re-sold. If after six months it remains unsold, you pay only 50% of the fee until it is. The weekly fee is reviewed when Wanaka Retirement Village budgets are set each July, and may or may not be adjusted accordingly.
Nursing Care DetailsPriority entry to the adjacent Elmslie House, an Enliven residential aged care home, if a room is available.
Cottage (2 Bedrooms)
Low Price$610,000
High Price$630,000
Tenure TermsOccupation Right Agreement. The Occupation Right Agreement (ORA) is the name of the agreement between you and PSO Retirement Villages Ltd. It gives you the right to occupy a villa or apartment in the Wanaka Retirement Village. This “right” is the most common form of agreement used by retirement villages in New Zealand.
Surrender DetailsWhen you terminate your ORA, a new Agreement for your home is then sold on the open market to a new resident.
Any money you receive from this sale is based on your ORA, and will be at least 75% of your purchase price.
Service Charge DetailsThis fee is paid monthly in advance and covers the cost of services such as rates, insurances, gardening, rubbish removal, maintenance and the Statutory Supervisor service. Currently the weekly fee is $145.49 (July 2024). You continue to pay this fee until your Occupation Right Agreement is re-sold. If after six months it remains unsold, you pay only 50% of the fee until it is. The weekly fee is reviewed when Wanaka Retirement Village budgets are set each July, and may or may not be adjusted accordingly.
Nursing Care DetailsPriority entry to the adjacent Elmslie House, an Enliven residential aged care home, if a room is available.

Updated: 30 Aug 2024

Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay
Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay
Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay Status Details
Respite Yes You have priority respite care to the adjacent Elmslie House depending on room availability

Updated: 3 Aug 2018

Personnel & Services
Personnel & Services
Personnel / Service Hours Per Week Status Details
Activities Co-ordinator Yes
Meals - External Provider Negotiable
Home Help - External Provider Yes
Other Personnel Yes

Updated: 27 Jul 2022

Facility Features
Facility Features
Feature Status Details
Social/Recreational Programme Yes We have a varied activity programme including games, Housie, movies, exercises, morning teas, browsing books, nanas and poppas, quiz afternoons, guest speakers and a fortnightly Happy Hour.
Community Complex Yes The Pembroke Lounge and Courtyard are the hub of the village. Direct access into the Bullock Creek Hatchery Reserve offers seating under a big oak tree and a board-walk linking Stone Street and Meadowstone Drove.
24 Hour Security Yes The Village Manager lives on the premises.
Emergency Call System Yes
Newsletter Yes Village Voice is a popular monthly newsletter about happenings and news in the village.
Pets In Residence Yes We are a pet-friendly village
Negotiate To Bring Own Pet Yes
Outings Yes Although most of our Villagers have their own cars, we do have van outings in summer.
Transport Available Yes A weekly trip to the super market is provided.
Library Yes Wanaka Public Library provides books for us. These are replaced monthly.
Lounges Yes
Gardens Yes

Updated: 3 Aug 2018

Special Features
Special Features
The village is adjacent to Elmslie House, an Enliven care home that holds a rare Ministry of Health four-year operating certificate for ‘its extraordinary care and attention to those who live there’.

The villas and apartments are perfect for people wanting their own space but with the added security of knowing help is nearby if needed.

Built mainly of Oamaru Stone, clever use of cedar trim by Dunedin architect Sam Smith provides a visual warmth and soft appearance, enhanced by attractive landscaping and ample paving.

“Each of the 14 villas, 3 cottages and 13 apartments offer spaciousness and privacy, and our commitment to provide residents with top quality, affordable homes, is reflected in a long list of design features – many second to none. We know that residents will be delighted with their new homes,” says Manager Su Anderson.

Wanaka Retirement Village has been designed to enhance comfortable living right throughout the year.

Villagers are warm in winter because windows are double-glazed, and roof, wall and floor insulation is of a higher performance levels than usual. Villas have individual solar power to boost water heaters while apartment residents draw from two storage tanks pre-heated by solar panels. The attractive Southland beech used on all the doors and window frames is from a sustainably-‘managed forest.

Villagers enjoy the Pembroke Lounge featuring a kitchen, library, jigsaw table, pedal exerciser, comfortable lounge chairs and modern audiovisual equipment. The adjoining Pembroke Courtyard has outdoor furniture easily moved from sunny spots to shade as required.

Covered walkways edge the two-storey apartment complex both at ground level and level one, which is accessed by stairs and an elevator. Grassed squares add a ‘village green’ feel to the whole complex.

Updated: 2 Jul 2019

Interests & Activities
Interests & Activities
The Village Lounge is the hub of Village life. It's where movies are shown, meetings are held and Happy Hour enjoyed. Big doors open out from the Common Room into a sheltered courtyard.

Independent living residents are able to access, by negotiation, services and facilities at Elmslie House

Updated: 27 Aug 2015

Languages Spoken
Languages Spoken
Language Status Details
English Yes

Updated: 28 Sep 2012

Religious/Spiritual Affiliations
Religious/Spiritual Affiliations
Religious/Spiritual Affiliations Status Details
(Other comments) Yes We have a Presbyterian foundation and welcome people of all backgrounds and cultures

Updated: 28 Sep 2012

Location Distance Details
Shops 2.00 Km Wanaka township is an easy, flat walk away, as is our stunning lake.
Parks 0.00 Km Bullock Creek Hatchery Reserve next door is accessed through a private gate in the Village.
Library 0.00 Km Wanaka Public Library provides books in the Pembroke Lounge.

Updated: 3 Aug 2018

Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership RC Status Details
New Zealand Council of Christian Social Services (NZCCSS) Yes
Registered Retirement Village? Yes
Retirement Villages Association of New Zealand [Inc] (RVA) Yes
Registered Retirement Village? Retirement Villages Association of New Zealand [Inc] (RVA)

Updated: 28 Sep 2012

NOTE: The Retirement Villages Act 2003 (The Act) is designed to provide improved protection for people who ‘buy’ into a retirement village. If you intend to ‘purchase’ you must get independent legal advice before signing your occupation right agreement as required under The Act. Some Retirement Village type facilities are not required to register under The Act so different legal requirements apply. Please make sure you investigate fully.


In some villages there may be some Retirement Village units that have multiple uses e.g. a Serviced Apartment may also be used as a Residential Care Suite. The same unit may therefore show in several places on Eldernet.