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Hato Hone St John - Caring Caller

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Hato Hone St John - Caring Caller
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Postal Address
PO Box 5055
Dunedin 9058
Northland, Auckland, Waikato, Lakes, Bay of Plenty, Tairāwhiti/Gisborne, Hawke's Bay, Taranaki, Manawatū-Whanganui, Wairarapa, Wellington, Nelson/Tasman, Marlborough, West Coast, Canterbury, Southland
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For some people living alone means that they miss out on daily human contact, someone to chat to, laugh with and share their lives. This can be a particular problem for older people, who may be left on their own once family of friends have moved away or passed on, are housebound through illness or lack of mobility. They may worry that they may not be found if they suffer sudden illness or a fall. A friendly phone call with a trained Hato Hone St John Volunteer who cares can make such a difference to your day.

St John Caring Caller is a free service that connects you to someone with similar interests who’ll call you regularly for a chat. A friendly caring caller will phone to have a chat and check all is well. Action will be taken should the telephone not be answered.

We welcome people interested in becoming caring callers and those people who would like to hear from a caring caller each day.

This free service is our commitment to the community especially for older people. For more information phone St John Caring Caller 0800 422 5537 (0800 4 Caller). You too can enjoy the friendship that St John Caring Caller can offer you. St John Caring Caller is just a phone call away.