Dunedin Public Libraries
At a glance
- Name
- Dunedin Public Libraries
- Category
- Libraries
- Address
- 230 Moray Place
Dunedin Central
Dunedin 9016 - Region
- Otago
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The Dunedin Public Libraries is a network of 5 libraries at Moray Place, Mosgiel, Port Chalmers, Waikouaiti and Blueskin Bay. There are 2 bookbuses which visit 47 stops on a weekly basis. For more information on locations, services and opening hours see www.dunedinlibraries.govt.nz
Home Services at Dunedin Public Libraries include:
Housebound: This service is available to anyone living in Dunedin who is unable to visit either the library or a bookbus because of long term illness or disability. Deliveries of library items are made fortnightly or monthly by volunteer couriers. Often these volunteers are family members, friends or neighbours of the housebound customer. Library staff select loan materials after consultation about reading tastes with the person receiving the service. Individual requests are welcome. This service is free and includes books, magazines, audio books, CDs and a limited number of DVDs. For more information contact the Home Services Coordinator on 474-3690.
Rest Homes: This fee based service is offered to any rest home facility operating within the Dunedin area. Book deposits are made up monthly and are tailored to meet specific requirements of rest home residents. The Home Services team liaise with occupational therapist personnel at individual rest homes and can assist in providing materials linked to in-house activities. Items available for loan to rest homes include books, magazines, audio books, CDs and a limited number of DVDs. For more information and details of this service contact the Home Services Coordinator on 474-3690.
Home Services at Dunedin Public Libraries include:
Housebound: This service is available to anyone living in Dunedin who is unable to visit either the library or a bookbus because of long term illness or disability. Deliveries of library items are made fortnightly or monthly by volunteer couriers. Often these volunteers are family members, friends or neighbours of the housebound customer. Library staff select loan materials after consultation about reading tastes with the person receiving the service. Individual requests are welcome. This service is free and includes books, magazines, audio books, CDs and a limited number of DVDs. For more information contact the Home Services Coordinator on 474-3690.
Rest Homes: This fee based service is offered to any rest home facility operating within the Dunedin area. Book deposits are made up monthly and are tailored to meet specific requirements of rest home residents. The Home Services team liaise with occupational therapist personnel at individual rest homes and can assist in providing materials linked to in-house activities. Items available for loan to rest homes include books, magazines, audio books, CDs and a limited number of DVDs. For more information and details of this service contact the Home Services Coordinator on 474-3690.