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Somerfield Dementia Rest Home - Somerfield House

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Somerfield Dementia Rest Home
Somerfield House
137 Barrington Street (entry of Stanbury Avenue)
Christchurch 8024
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Kate Busson - (03) 332 5897
Heritage Lifecare (Golden HeathCare)
Registered Nurse
(03) 332 5897
Clinical Unit Coordinator
Lisa Perkinson
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Somerfield Rest Home Brochure Somerfield Rest Home Brochure Somerfield Rest Home Brochure
Visitors as usual (but not if you're unwell or recently returned from overseas)
Kia ora - Hello

Somerfield Dementia Rest Home is part of the Golden Healthcare Group.

• We are committed to providing high quality dementia care to 39 residents, within our small, homely environment.
• We provide a safe, secure and friendly environment that includes several smaller lounge areas that provide private spaces for our residents and families to spend time together and connect. We have a stunning rose garden and courtyard for our residents to sit and enjoy, this also allows freedom of movement and great indoor and outdoor flow.
• Experienced and qualified management, nursing, diversional therapy, and care staff who promote respect, dignity, and independence through the delivery of care and activities to suit individual needs ensuring our residents are happy and engaged.
• Regular visits by musicians and pet therapy as part of our interactive activity environment.
• We are also happy to offer Respite care if we have available beds, please phone for more information.

We look forward to welcoming you and showing you around our beautiful whare - home.
Service/Facility Details
Service/Facility Details
Detail Status
Contract with Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Yes
Certification Yes
ORA Applies No

Updated: 9 Sep 2021

Bed and Vacancy Details
Bed and Vacancy Details
Detail Status
Approximate number of beds at this level of care 39
Vacancy Yes
We currently have 2 rooms available and also offer a waiting list. We have lots of interesting areas for residents to wander, with men's shed & interactive garden areas. Inside we continue with interactive and themed areas including: memory lounge, sports lounge, beach theme areas to sit and share with your loved one.
Impending vacancy Yes - yes
Short stay considered Yes
Premium Accommodation Charges Some Rooms from $5.00/day up to $25.00/day as at 18 Sep 2024
MOH Certification and Audit Report View MOH certification and audit report (opens in a new tab)
Extra admission requirements due to COVID-19 No

Updated: 14 Feb 2025

“We are very impressed with the lovely care you are providing Dad - sincere thanks. It is a huge relief to know he is being cared for now, and we don't have to worry that he will inadvertently hurt himself, especially at night time. ! I especially like the emphasis on getting Dad up and moving around with short walks, etc. He will enjoy the social things when encouraged to attend, and it was lovely of your team to take him to the airport last week” April 24

“I want to let you all know how much I appreciate all you did for him. His face always lit up when you entered his room, even this last weekend, when he could no longer talk. I’m very sad his deteriorating health has meant he had to move to hospital care & leave you all. I want to particularly thank Ruth & Sharron, you both gave me so much confidence that having chosen Somerfield, it was the right place for him, Dementia is such a cruel disease & you are doing such a fantastic job helping all your residents (& their families) it can’t be easy. Best wishes to you all “

“Thank you so much for supporting the Dementia Walk "Somerfield Style" The photos were wonderful and we really appreciate your support and best wishes for Sundays walk. Diane Dementia Canterbury – March 23”

“My mother has now been in for Rest homes including this one. This is the NO 1 Rest home if you want a homely place with excellent staff & Management. You could not find any better than this. Highly recommend. Feb 24”

“I was wanting to again reiterate how well your team did care for our palliative resident. I am so glad you were able to care for him until the end. It was great for me to be able to support such a caring team. Helen Palliative Care ARC Feb 24”

Updated: 14 May 2024

Type Hours Per Week Status Details
Registered Nurse 40 Yes Onsite Monday to Friday. Plus part time weekends. with support RN x2 days per week, and on call over the weekend and evenings or as required
Healthcare Assistants/Caregivers Yes Fully staffed with friendly, Dementia trained Caregivers, passionate about high quality care given to all residents within the facility.
Physiotherapist Yes Available as required.
Diversional Therapist 40 Yes Full time Monday to Friday 9-5.30pm, Part time weekends, providing a range of activities, outings and special events daily.
Activities Co-ordinator Yes A Fully qualified Diversional therapist organises and overseas all activities
Hairdresser Yes Yes, weekly visits into the home for those that like to look their best at all times. Reasonable cost.
Podiatrist Yes Visits every 6-7 weekly on-site visits at reasonable cost.
Dietitian Yes All meals are dietitian prescribed, and individual requirements are catered for.
Accredited Visitors Yes A programme of various type of visitors is available for resident recreation.
Kaumatua Yes Residents cultural needs are included in the daily care plan, environment and activities review, we embrace peoples individual needs and requirements
Chaplain/Spiritual Advisor Negotiable Small generic service run by staff every Sunday Other visits can be arranged
Other Personnel Negotiable

Updated: 27 Nov 2023

Specialities or Areas of Expertise
Specialities or Areas of Expertise
Specialities or Areas of Expertise Status Details
End of Life/Palliative Care Yes
Wound Care Yes Access to specialist care as needed.
Diabetic Care Yes Registered Nurse onsite Monday to Friday full time, 1/2 day onsite during weekends and 24 on call.
Continence Advice Yes We are contracted with EBOS who provide a regular continence maintenance overview.
Stomal Therapy Yes Access to specialist care as needed.
Stroke Rehabilitation Yes Physio therapist attends regularly or as required, DT trained to assist with planned exercise programs
ACC Rehabilitation Yes Physio therapist attends regularly or as required, DT trained to assist with planned exercise programs
Infection Control Yes Ongoing Training provided with lastest advice from MOH
Surgical Followup Yes As required
Psychiatric Care Yes
Community Health Yes Access to Nurse Maude wound care if required
Clinical Management Yes A Senior RN works along side the facility RN and manager to ensure best practice and quality
Other Specialties Yes Open for discussion

Updated: 21 Oct 2022

Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay
Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay
Respite, Carer Support or other Short Stay Status Details
Respite Yes We are able to provide respite care to families for their loved ones if we have a room available. Please call for details.
Subsidised Yes
Private Paying Yes

Updated: 21 Oct 2022

Feature Status Details
May Bring Own Furniture Yes All residents are encouraged to personalise their rooms with their own treasures and furniture.
Single Rooms Yes
Rooms suitable for a couple Yes
Ensuite Yes all rooms have their own ensuite
Alcohol Permitted Yes Family welcome to share with their loved one but served on site
Pets In Residence Yes Pet therapy ongoing
Phone Access In Own Room No A portable phone is available for our residents to use.
Wifi Yes
Cater for under 65 yrs with Disability Yes
Lounges/seating areas Yes We 2 main lounges and 2 smaller lounge areas where resident and family can sit together in a relaxed area
Provide End of Life/Palliative Care Yes
Outings Yes Varied, regular outings organised by our Activities Co-ordinator.
Residents Committee No Resident meetings held monthly
Family Committee Yes Family meetings held throughout the year.
Newsletter Yes
Policy for management of challenging behaviour Yes The management of challenging behaviours is a speciality of our rest home, all staff are fully trained in dealing with difficult situations.
Confused Residents Yes The management of confused residents is a speciality of our rest home.
Smoking Permitted Yes We provide an outside smoking area only
Semi-Secure Yes Fully secure inside and outside.

Updated: 27 Nov 2023

Special Features
Special Features
Somerfield Rest Home, long established as a leading provider of specialist dementia care, all bedrooms all have ensuites. We have interesting areas all around the rest home for residents and family to share and enjoy. We offer a compassionate, caring and homely environment, were residents feel loved, safe and cared for by our experienced and trained caregivers.

A registered nurse is on duty weekdays and is on-call at other times to assist with after-hours concerns. The RN plans, implements and evaluates each resident's care in conjunction with the family and the carers. Regular communication with families, physicians and community resource staff is maintained by the registered nurse.

Somerfield Rest Home is a restraint-free rest home. We use the absolute minimum of phychotropic medications to assist with behaviours often seen in persons with dementia. All staff are trained in alternative methods of managing behaviours so that residents are treated with dignity and respect.

At Somerfield Rest Home everyone is treated as important members of our family. We value the trust that people have in our services and we work hard to be worthy of that trust. The families of our residents can have peace of mind knowing that their loved ones are well cared for.

Golden Healthcare Group are proud to be local and take the time to assist you in your decision making on where to place your loved ones.

Updated: 22 Sep 2023

Interests & Activities
Interests & Activities
Golden Healthcare Group has a fleet of 8 seater mini vans which are there for residents to be taken on outings from feeding the ducks at the Groynes Park to visiting the Cashmere Club.

A comprehensive activity program is developed and maintained by our diverstional therapist. After assessing each resident's individual needs, abilities and interests, a program is developed to try to keep our residents mentally stimulated and physically active.

The activity program is not the sole responsibility of the diversional therapist but all staff assist to provide activities to our residents throughout the day and evening hours.

The program is diverse and varies from day to day to encourage resident participation.

Our activity programme includes Arts & Crafts, Bingo, Bowls, movies, Cooking, Entertainers, Exercise programme, Games, Gardening, Jigsaws, Library, Music therapy, Pet Therapy & Theme days

Updated: 10 Feb 2022

Additional Information
Additional Information
Topic Details
What's included in your fees and what's not Any questions regarding fees please contact Sue Denton, Facility Manager of Somerfield Rest Home.
Staffing qualifications and details The rest home is staffed with qualified and competent people who have a special interest in working with persons with dementia. The positions at Somerfield are Registered Nurse/ Facility Manager, Carers, Housekeepers, Diversional Therapist, and Cook. Each employee takes an active interest in the care and well-being of our residents.
Details about meals Our cooks daily prepare the meals from fresh ingredients and according to a seasonal rotating menu cycle. Items which are served are selected and prepared to appeal to the tastes of our residents. Various therapeutic diets and food textures can be prepared according to the resident's specific needs.
Associated Complexes Albarosa Dementia, Camellia Court Dementia, Golden Age Retirement Village, Brookhaven Retirement Village, Somerfield Dementia, Hoon Hay Dementia, Hoon Hay House.

Updated: 23 Mar 2021

Languages Spoken
Languages Spoken
Language Status Details
Chinese dialect Yes Mandarin chinese
Cook Island Maori Yes
Czechoslovaki Yes
English Yes
Fijian Indian Yes
Filipino Yes
Hindi Yes
Interpreter Yes
Māori - Te Reo Yes
Samoan Yes
Sri Lankan Yes
Tongan Yes

Updated: 21 Oct 2022

Ethnic Diets
Ethnic Diets
Ethnic Diet Status Details
Chinese Yes As requested - working with Cooks as per residents needs
Halal Yes
Indian Yes
Kosher Yes
Other Yes
Vegan Yes
Vegetarian Yes

Updated: 27 Nov 2023

Location Distance Details
Public Transport 0.10 Km On Routes #17, #19. Close to Orbiter Route
Shops 0.10 Km Local Dairy
Mall 0.75 Km Barrington Mall
Parks 1.00 Km Barrington Park, Pioneer Park Somerfield Park
Library 1.00 Km Spreydon Library Barrington

Updated: 23 Mar 2021

Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership
Credentials & Membership RC Status Details
Aged Care Association New Zealand (ACA) Yes
Retirement Villages Association of New Zealand [Inc] (RVA) Yes
Aged Care Association New Zealand (ACA) Retirement Villages Association of New Zealand [Inc] (RVA)

Updated: 23 Mar 2021

The Ministry of Health conducts regular audits of Residential Care Facilities. They can be found HERE.